Welcome to Cuantic


Made for government and private sector

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...successfully delivering solutions

About our company...

Cuantic is an open source technology solutions company with a new perspective for effective tech use in the public sector.

The experience we had converting the C in CRM from Customer to Citizen and scaling it to large datasets is what has allowed us to provide excellent solutions in government implementations.

The dual approach of “plug-and-play” ready services with abstract design, programmable to every government need, lies at the core of our success. We have succesfully implemented our solutions in a wide range of areas; from call centers to education to production to finance.

Our services

We give a broad range of services and solutions in software and technology consulting. Based on the customization and implementation of open source projects, we also accompany our clients in their process development.

We have built many high volume dataset implementations with tens of millions of contacts, activities and interactions within their systems.

Systems Integration

We have first hand experience with harnessing the complexity of government agencies and their data challenges. Building upon Oro’s world class CRM solution with our industry and next generation technology expertise, we are known for the successful, seamless integration of multiple systems and process models.

Data Optimisation

By sweeping databases to normalise data as well as optimising the extraction of workable denormalised data, we provide our clients with powerful tools to segment their audiences to the micro level and utilise effective KPIs with transparent dashboards to make well informed decisions.

Process Consulting

Successful data-driven transformation occurs at the intersection of CRM system betterment and the streamlining of citizen experience processes behind the screen. Our consulting approach allows our clients to rethink how to manage the flow of data, bringing people, processes and technology together.

Multichannel Communication

Citizens today are more connected and demanding than ever. As government entities look to actively participate in public debate of what-to do-questions that matter, we provide a multichannel, bidirectional approach to communication.

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